
How Does Insurance Work?

insurance wow that was um that was probably one of my more exciting words to start this article with um so we're going to talk about insurance today and i promise i'm going to do my best to make this really interesting um maybe but uh if you want to learn how insurance works stay tuned because that's what we're talking about but back to the article insurance it's the annoying necessity that we all pay for to make sure we don't end up in massive amounts of debt if our house burns down if we crash our car or if something tragic happens insurance  helps us maintain peace of mind knowing that even if something bad does happen someone else is going to pay for what it costs to fix it though to an untrained eye this can be a little perplexing i mean if you pay 200 a month for home insurance and after only six months your home burns down the insurance company will buy you a new house likely in the matter of hundreds of thousands of dollars but you would have only given ...